Tuesday 10 July 2007

Introducing The Band

Welcome to Curious Quill, a blog written, managed and edited by someone with opinions, informed or otherwise, and an arrogant need to inflict these opinions on others. Over time ground rules may be established for what is to be posted on this site, but for the time being it could be anything. Music I've listened to, films I've watched, bands I've seen, television I've endured or otherwise, books I've read, photos I've taken, people I've met, places I've been, thoughts I've had; anything really.

As with any of these things, feedback is greatly appreciated. This is my first blog, so if I commit some terrible blog faux pas, such as using italicised French phrases, please tell me. Is it acceptable to ever use the word 'blogosphere'? Will I be blackballed by the blogging community if I mention watching QI last night? Should I be using question marks so frequently? I don't know. You do. Tell me.

Here's looking at you, kid.

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